From the Album SINGLE RELEASE: Christ Is Mine Forevermore


Mine are days that God has numbered;
I was made to walk with Him.
Yet I look for worldly treasure
And forsake the King of kings.
But mine is hope in my Redeemer;
Though I fall, His love is sure.
For Christ has paid for every failing;
I am His forevermore.

Mine are tears in times of sorrow,
Darkness not yet understood.
Through the valley I must travel
Where I see no earthly good.
But mine is peace that flows from Heaven,
And the strength in times of need.
I know my pain will not be wasted;

Christ completes his work in me.
Mine are days here as a stranger,
Pilgrim on a narrow way.
One with Christ I will encounter
Harm and hatred for His Name.
But mine is armor for this battle,
Strong enough to last the war.
And He has said He will deliver
Safely to the golden shore.
And mine are keys to Zion city
Where beside the King I’ll walk.
For there my heart has found its treasure;
Christ is mine forevermore.

Come rejoice now, O my soul,
For His love is my reward.
Fear is gone and hope is sure:
Christ is mine forevermore.

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Song Story

Over the past few years we have been delighted to make new friendships with songwriters around the world who share the vision of hymns to carry for life.

One group that has especially encouraged us is CityAlight. They are based at St. Paul’s Castle Hill Church in Sydney, Australia and they have a simple yet profound mission: to write stirring, singable songs for ordinary churches that help us all delight more deeply in the grace of Jesus.

In 2023 we had the privilege of partnering with CityAlight for Sing! Australia. We got to raise our voices with believers from across Australia and New Zealand in events at their church and at the Sydney Opera House. Later the same year we also got to host CityAlight in Nashville for the Sing! Conference and continue to build this friendship and creative collaboration.

We are excited to share two songs that represent our growing partnership and our unity in the mission of singing and sharing Christ-exalting hymns.

First is the CityAlight song “Christ Is Mine Forevermore” which they recorded with us in Nashville at the iconic Ryman Auditorium. This is a song for pilgrims seeking our homeland. It is an expression of hope in the One who keeps us until the end, and a reminder that in Christ we already hold the “keys to Zion city.” We encourage you to use this song as a response to the sermon, as a hymn of comfort connected to the prayer of intercession, or any time you need a song that points our gaze heavenward.

Then, in January 2024, we are excited to share a new live version of “In Christ Alone” recorded alongside CityAlight at the Sydney Opera House. What a joy it was to sing together that no power of hell, no scheme of man, can ever pluck us from the hand of Jesus our Savior.

We have learned so much from CityAlight—their creativity, their humility, their heart for singing in the family and in the local church. We hope these songs bless you as much as they have blessed us.

-The Getty Music Team